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Top Digital Marketing Strategies for Travel and Tourism in 2024

  • Digital Marketing


The Importance of Digital Marketing in the Travel and Tourism Industry

It has been said that digital marketing for the travel industry and hospitality sector is essential and can act as a catalyst for businesses to sustain themselves in 2024. Given this emerging consumer behavior of researching and purchasing travel service products, it is imperative that travel marketers integrate the latest travel marketing strategies in reaching the consumer.

Purpose of the Article

This blog endeavors to offer practical and the best digital marketing strategies for travel agencies. It features the current and relevant information and techniques in travel and tourism marketing for travel agencies and tourism enterprises to be successful in the present digital environment.


Understanding the Unique Challenges in Travel & Tourism Marketing

Seasonality and Market Fluctuations

Digital marketing for the travel industry must be dynamic and improve their strategies based on seasonality. Travel and tourism marketing can further be tailored with the help of market research findings and elastic campaigns to take advantage of the peak seasons while minimizing the off-season losses.

Tips for managing marketing budgets and campaigns during off-peak seasons:

Tips for managing marketing budgets and campaigns during off-peak seasons

Retargeting campaigns:

It is also important to target former guests through the last several years’ promotional offers targeting busy periods to book during off-seasons.

Content marketing:

Post appealing content that would draw the interest of buyers toward visiting such places during the off-season to strengthen travel industry marketing.

Email marketing:

Use targeted e-shots to market specified off-season special offers and special rates to valued customers to be in line with tourism marketing trends.

Social media contests:

Create entertaining contests that will get user attention and gather great content during low-traffic times as a part of robust travel marketing strategies.

Influencer partnerships:

Engage influencers to share unexploited promotional opportunities of destinations off season.

Dynamic pricing strategies:

This is applicable in the use of flexible pricing strategies when it comes to making a travel plan to the intended places during off-peak traffic periods.

Targeting a Diverse Audience

The above-discussed models of travel marketing must, therefore, emphasize segmenting several traveler archetypes, such as leisure, business, and adventure. Thus, by knowing leaders’ needs and preferences for each group, marketers can better adjust their travel marketing strategies and measures.

Strategies for personalized marketing to meet diverse traveler needs:

Behavioral targeting:

To fully leverage this market segment, businesses must employ data on past travel behavior to tailor recommendations and promotions.

Dynamic content:

Develop web content and emails that are personalized regarding the preferences of the users and their past activities.

Lookalike audiences:

Use social media to identify like-minded customers, thus targeting them to better previous travel and tourism marketing strategies.


It is a critical digital marketing for travel hacks that provides content and specials that are specifically targeted to their current or intended travel locales.

Customer journey mapping:

This is to have relevant content that is appropriate for each step of the customer journey to attract travelers.

Multi-language support:

It provides content in several languages to reach global tourists and include the biggest number of viewers as a part of the broad travel marketing strategy.


Crafting an Effective Digital Marketing Strategy for Travel & Tourism

Setting Clear Marketing Goals

Being specific and measurable is another important concept that is essential in the formulation of goals related to digital marketing for the travel industry. Regardless of whether the management’s goals in the hospitality market are to generate higher occupancy, awareness, or customer retention, objectives provide direction to strategies and resources.

How to align marketing objectives with overall business goals:

How to align marketing objectives with overall business goals

Conduct a SWOT analysis:

Travel industry marketing requires businesses to examine the SWOT analysis for key success factors for growth, planning, and putting strategies in place.

Use SMART criteria:

Establish SMART targets when it comes to setting marketing objectives.

Involve stakeholders:

Cooperate with other departments to foster compatibility with established business goals.

Prioritize goals:

Digital marketing for travel involves identifying priorities that can make a big difference to the company and whose achievement is critical to business success.

Set KPIs:

This requires setting targets and milestones to monitor performance against the set goals because we know that goals must have Key Performance Indicators to track progress toward achievement.

Regular review:

Ensure from time to time that set goals are on track and appropriate changes are made accordingly.

Conducting Market Research

In travel marketing strategies, target groups and travel patterns should be defined to maximize the impact. It is essential for businesses to examine changes in travelers’ preferences and buying behavior so that they can communicate in a more effective manner to their target markets.

Tools and methods for understanding traveler behavior and preferences:


Ask travelers direct questions through online questionnaires that will help in determining their preferences.

Social listening:

Gesture shifts of the population towards specific topics can be assessed with social media conversations.

Google Trends:

Digital marketing for the travel industry requires businesses to analyze search data and trends to get insight into popular places and travel and other related queries.

Competitor analysis:

Research your competition to find gaps that can be exploited in the market.

Customer interviews:

Employ qualitative research by selecting a number of loyal customers who can be interviewed in detail as a part of your niche travel marketing strategy.

Analytics platforms:

Employ specialist software such as Google Analytics to capture website usage and user paths.

Developing a Multi-Channel Marketing Plan

There is a need to adopt a more holistic approach to interact with travelers across different digital interfaces. When executed in a synchronized manner, SEO for travel works in harmony with the firm’s social media, e-mail, and other marketing campaigns.

Examples of creating a cohesive marketing strategy covering all customer journey stages:


The best SEO practices for travel websites in 2024 target individuals searching for travel destinations and facilitate content generation to catch their attention.


It has been recommended that social media marketing for tourism and personalized email campaigns should be used in the advertising and promotion of experiences and products that are not typical.


Use retargeting ads and landing pages to book and reserve rooms, tables, and other facilities as required as a part of the travel marketing strategies.


SEO Strategies for Travel & Tourism

Keyword Research and Optimization

Selecting relevant and effective keywords as a part of the best SEO practices for travel websites in 2024 entails search volumes, competition, and the purpose behind such keywords. Include destination-specific keywords, properties, things to do, and niches to attract specific visitors.

Best practices for on-page SEO:

Best practices for on-page SEO

Optimize title tags:

Use primary keywords and names of destinations in interesting, click-worthy headlines to strengthen SEO for travel.

Craft meta descriptions:

Learn to write powerful summaries and ensure that they are sprinkled with keywords so that people will want to click on your content.

Use header tags:

Organize content using headings (H1, H2, & H3) for better content organization and enhanced keyword targeting.

Optimize images:

Include relevant file names and alt tags to travel-related images while optimizing SEO for travel.

Internal linking:

Link to related pages for better site organization and navigation.

Mobile optimization:

Take into account that users can access your website from different devices, including mobiles, so make sure to provide a good user experience for mobile users.

Creating High-Quality, User-Centric Content

Content marketing for the travel industry revolves around website content, travel blogs, and information specifically about travel destinations, which are crucial for initially targeting potential travelers. Informative and inspirational content in travel and tourism marketing allows a business to become authoritative and earn higher rankings on the web.

Strategies for using long-tail keywords and structuring content for user intent:

Create destination guides:

Content for travel industry marketing should be elaborate manuals aimed at specific geographical areas and available activities.

Answer FAQs:

Answering the frequently asked traveler questions in a separate blog post or the FAQ section.

Use schema markup:

Introduce structure data to improve the visibility and appearance of search results.

Optimize for featured snippets:

Tourism marketing trends require marketers to strategize content to enhance the probability of featuring in featured snippets.

Incorporate user-generated content:

Combine reviews and traveler photos as it increases the authenticity and engagement of the content.

Develop pillar pages:

Make vast resources for related subtopics to enhance SEO by making links.

Local SEO for Travel Businesses

Steps to optimize Google My Business listings and local search results:

Claim and verify:

First, use Google My Business to search for a specific business and find its ownership details.

Complete profile:

 Complete all fields, such as business hours and the services provided.

Add photos:

Their goal is to share clear and sharp images of your business, accommodations, or destinies.

Encourage reviews:

Use customer feedback more actively to increase the credibility of the response.

Use local keywords:

When writing your business description and posts, try to use terms specific to your location.

Keep information updated:

Finally, ensure that your listing is up-to-date with relevant offers and information for the current and coming seasons.

Importance of local SEO for Specific Locations

Local SEO is one of the critical elements of digital marketing for the travel industry. It is essential for destination marketing and place promotion. Local SEO as a part of a travel and tourism marketing plan can play a crucial role in the promotion of travel businesses, as visitors searching for services and products in the locality are in a research phase to visit certain areas.


Content Marketing for Travel & Tourism

Developing Engaging Content

Types of content that resonate with travelers:


Conveyed travel recommendations based on the travel type and time.

Destination guides:

Extensive summaries of places, including sights, traditions, and other aspects that are worth knowing.

Travel tips:

Real tips and guidelines for packing, managing money, and traveling to certain locations.

Photo essays:

Styling of locations with the goal to make people recognize the incredible places worth visiting.

Local insights:

Optimize SEO for travel by providing local tips and recommendations where only locals know of such areas and experiences.

Seasonal content:

Articles that highlight occurrences, festivals, and the best time for travelers to visit the specific region.

User-generated Content and Testimonials:

The usage of testimonials from the users, as well as real-life stories, makes digital marketing for travel more credible. By presenting pictures, comments, and trip stories and memories, businesses can give examples of people’s experiences, thus giving potential clients a reason to follow the example and book their trips. In 2024, user-generated content dominates travel marketing strategies.

Utilizing Video Marketing

Travel industry marketing is meaningless without video content. Video marketing is clearly a significant component in selling destinations and experiences. It helps the prospects prepare for their travel and helps see where they will be staying and what the mood they set up for would be.

Tips for creating compelling travel videos:

Tell a story:

Develop a story that engages the audience’s feelings in the marketing of the destination.

Showcase unique experiences:

Tourism marketing trends suggest marketers should concentrate on product features that will be of interest to their target customers.

Use drone footage:

Use pans, tilts, and zooms, especially in outdoor scenes, to capture the beauty of a scene from a bird’s-eye view.

Include local culture:

Interact with locals and other people and get to experience and witness the native culture.

Optimize for mobile:

Travel industry marketing requires businesses to make sure that they are not difficult to watch on smartphones or tablets.

Add subtitles:

It will be useful for making captions for the visually impaired and for the people who have their television or speakers turned off.

Blogging and Long-Form Content

Benefits of maintaining a travel blog with detailed, SEO-optimized posts:

Benefits of maintaining a travel blog SEO-optimized posts

Improved SEO:

The flow and quality of the content increase the website’s rank in the search engine results.

Increased authority:

This evidence shows one’s specialization in certain regions or certain types of tourism.

Enhanced engagement:

Create value for readers so that they will spend more time on site and revisit the site.

Social sharing:

It produces information that can trigger the sharing of information with more people without using paid promotional methods.

Lead generation:

It provides a way to get our subscribers’ email addresses in exchange for content upgrades.

Brand storytelling:

It enables businesses to portray their mantra and distinct selling propositions.

Answers Traveler Queries with Creative Content

To make material needed for answering basic questions of travelers and ranking on search engines, there is always a need for keyword investigation and addressing primary concerns. Consequently, digital marketing for the travel industry can increase organic traffic by offering complete and useful information to consumers, who will then view the said businesses as reliable sources of information.


Social Media Marketing for Travel & Tourism

Choosing the Right Platforms

Social media marketing for tourism is not just about posting travel-related static or visual content on any platform. There are strategic steps to select the best social media channels based on your target audience. Here they are.

Analyze demographics:

Spend more time identifying the age, gender, and interests of your target audience or readers.

Evaluate platform features:

Give some thought to which channels to lead travelers in purchasing your offered travel services.

Study competitor presence:

Travel marketing strategies require marketers to determine competitors and their most engaging social media content.

Consider content type:

You should then match the content strengths you have with the specialties of the platform that you have (for instance, images for Instagram).

Assess advertising options:

Consider ad targeting features and options to be found on each of the platforms.

Monitor trends:

Marketers should be up to date with new platforms and tourism marketing trends that are famous among tourists.

Importance of Visual Content:

It should be noted that the use of visuals is critical to marketing in the travel industry. Digital marketing for the travel industry demands sharing good-quality images and videos to create the spirit of adventure, tell the story of the place, and give a taste of what a traveler is likely to find on the other side, and this will make people get inspired to take that trip.

Building an Engaged Community

Strategies for increasing follower engagement and building a loyal audience:

Consistent posting:

Consist of quality, timely, and frequent content so that you do not miss posting in the followers’ timetable.

Encourage user-generated content:

Develop brand-specific hashtags and include submissions from followers.

Respond promptly:

Contribute to comments and messages to the activeness of the community.

Run contests:

Businesses should stage travel-themed competitions in order to achieve higher engagement and reach as a part of their travel marketing strategy.

Live videos:

Provide followers with an opportunity to ask questions and engage in virtual tours so as to communicate with them directly.

Share BTS content:

Give short previews of what goes on in your business or what you are offering to clients.

The importance of Hashtags and geotags

Hash tagging, geotagging, and influencers’ collaboration are instrumental in the increase in reach since the content generated gains more visibility. These tools of digital marketing for travel enable travel brands to reach out to those customers going through the sites in search of inspiration or coming up with their next travel plan to a certain destination.

Running Effective Social Media Campaigns

Steps to plan and execute successful social media ad campaigns:

Define clear objectives:

Set measurable objectives for each campaign (for example, it may be a goal to make a certain number of bookings or simply to increase brand recognition).

Create compelling visuals:

Create engaging advertisements that feature places or activities a consumer may want to be associated with.

Craft engaging copy:

This means posting short, effective copy and compelling call-to-action.

Target strategically:

Travel & tourism marketing requires marketers to target users with interests and behaviors similar to their desired demographic with the help of the platform’s features.

Set appropriate budgets:

Distribute the spending in accordance with the campaign objectives and the probable returns on investment.

Monitor and optimize:

Travel marketing strategies require businesses to monitor performance and thus optimize campaigns in order to gain better outcomes.

Case studies of effective social media campaigns in the travel industry:

Airbnb’s WeAccept:

Focused on increasing diversity and inclusion; achieved high interaction and primarily positive connotations with the brand.

Tourism Australia’s “Dundee”:

Super Bowl ad campaign that tapped into the movie craze helped create record awareness of Australian travel possibilities.

Visit California’s “Kidifornia”:

The family-oriented advertising campaign promoted family attractions to families, leading to a rise in travel bookings among families.


Paid Advertising Strategies

Google Ads for Travel & Tourism

Designing city-specific and more specific PPC campaigns that will appeal to travelers with a definite purpose is about aiming at those who are searching for certain destinations, accommodation types, and unique experiences. This way, in digital marketing for the travel industry, businesses that include relevant keywords and engaging ad text will target users who are already planning their travel.

Including remarketing and dynamic ads is very effective in increasing the conversion rate in travel marketing. These travel marketing strategies enable businesses to target people who have shown interest in their products, offering them relevant content based on their browsing history within the domain.

Social Media Advertising

Best practices for running ads on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube:

Use high-quality visuals:

Advertise beautiful landscapes or interesting videos of the places tourists want to visit.

Implement carousel ads:

Travel industry marketing requires marketers to promote several products or places in a single ad space.

Leverage user-generated content:

Use real traveler photos and endorsements for ads.

Utilize retargeting:

Target prospects and consumers who have previously shown interest in your website or content material.

Experiment with ad formats:

The tourism marketing trends enable you to experiment with different types of ads (e.g., stories, collection ads) to define which ones work best.

Optimize for mobile:

Make certain that commercials or banners are aesthetically pleasing and responsive on any platform, especially on mobile.

Using Analytics to improve ROI:

Making use of analytics to fine-tune the targeting parameters and enhance the ROI is very critical in digital marketing for hotels and resorts. Audience, ad creatives, or messaging performance eventually leads businesses to make decisions on where to invest, which audience segment is most influential, or which specific creative performed well or poorly to improve campaign effectiveness and ROI in travel marketing strategies.

Programmatic Advertising

Thus, through the programmatic ad-buying approach, digital marketing for travel enables you to reach small but relevant audiences. Using data and automation, it is possible to present an advertisement on different platforms and, thus, provide a chance to attract potential travelers’ attention at the proper time and place.

Benefits of programmatic ads for real-time targeting and personalization:

Improved efficiency:

It does not require manual intervention in the buying of the ads and, therefore, saves time and money.

Enhanced targeting:

It helps the marketer to target specific segments more effectively.

Real-time optimization:

It enables real-time changes according to the results achieved or lack thereof.

Cross-device reach:

It helps in providing seamless messages on the varied products and services through the different gadgets and interfaces.

Contextual relevance:

Post ads in such surroundings that are of interest to travelers and tourists.

Increased ROI:

It optimizes advertisement cost as it targets high-value audiences only.


Email Marketing for Travel & Tourism

Building and Segmenting Your Email List

Strategies for capturing emails from potential travelers:

Offer travel guides:

As a part of the travel & tourism marketing strategy, offer PDF destination guides in return for subscribers’ email addresses.

Run contests:

Promote travel-related events with product give-away contests where participation is contingent on an entrant’s email address.

Use exit-intent popups:

Provide limited time opportunity with an offer/promotion, product, service, or any information to engage the abandoning visitors.

Implement booking abandonment emails:

There are always users who begin and do not finish bookings; therefore, following up with them is advisable.

Create a loyalty program:

In order to increase the number of users signing up for emails, free benefits to members-only should be given.

Use social media lead ads:

Digital marketing for hotels and resorts requires marketers to work on running campaigns that are meant for collecting emails.

Segmentation for Personalization:

In digital marketing for the travel industry, it is always good to segment your list in a way that you may want to deliver relevant and appropriate messages to a specific category of your list. Through segmentation of the subscribers in travel industry marketing, businesses can target the subscribers with more relevant content that they are likely to find appealing depending on travel preferences and previous behavior, among other things.

Creating Engaging Travel Newsletters

Tips for writing compelling subject lines and engaging content:

Use power words:

Add such words as ‘exclusive,’ ‘limited,’ ‘limited-time,’ or ‘insider’ to make the audience think they are missing something if they don’t take the offered action.

Personalize subject lines:

Add the recipient’s name or mention prior communications for improved open-rate performance.

Keep it concise:

Write usable subject lines of up to 50 characters, as these form the first line of the introduction.

Use emojis strategically:

Use relevant emojis to best compete with tons of emails that people receive daily.

Ask questions:

Gather attention by posting questions that relate to travel, which could trigger the readers’ curiosity.

Highlight unique value:

Stress what is more in the newsletter, which may include special products and services or exclusive material that is sent to the list.

Incorporating Visuals to Boost CTR:

Readers of travel messages receiving visuals and offers have a better open and click-through rate. Prominent pictures of destinations, infographics, and some highlighted promotions are effective to encourage the subscribers to interact with the content and take necessary actions.

Automated Email Campaigns

Establishing drip campaigns captures and secures leads and motivates them to book because of steady messages prompted by their actions and interests. This approach helps those who are likely to travel make their decision-making process easier with relevant information at various points of the decision-making cycle.

Best practices for optimizing email campaigns based on user behavior:

Segment based on engagement:

Segment content for advanced vs. basic users or for heavy vs. light user engagement.

Use behavioral triggers:

Use email newsletters based on the site activity or previous reservations made.

Implement A/B testing:

Test subject lines, body copy, and time and day of sending for best performance.

Personalized recommendations:

Make suggestions for related places/attractions/experiences based on assessed material.

Re-engage inactive subscribers:

Develop promotional campaigns to reactivate inactive list subscribers.

Monitor deliverability:

Always keep your list updated and also track the number of spam complaints raised against you to keep a good sender score.


Leveraging Analytics and Data-Driven Marketing

The Importance of Data in Decision-Making

Measurability is a defining characteristic of data-driven digital marketing for travel industry campaigns. That way, travel businesses can compare crucial benchmarks such as conversion rates, engagement, and returns on investment and make adjustments to particular approaches.

Tools for gathering and analyzing data in the travel industry:

Google Analytics:

Offers tools to monitor website traffic, use, and conversion rates. Fundamental for mapping customers and analyzing different touchpoints and overall presence online.


Offers heatmaps and session replays for monitoring users’ engagement. It’s useful in establishing usability problems and enhancing the site experience.


Develop dynamic visualizations that can be used to explore the data in detail. Allows travel marketers to discover information and describe the data to readers.


It provides general search engine optimization and competitive analysis capabilities. Useful in content arrangement and keyword analysis in the sphere of travel.


This is business intelligence software to analyze and present business information. Enables travel companies to set up their personalized widgets and special cases of reports.

Adobe Analytics:

CRM analytics application for monitoring and analyzing customer engagements in various touch points. This analysis can help to gain an understanding of traveler behavior and preferences.

Predictive Analytics and AI in Travel Marketing

Regarding travel marketing, big data, and machine learning are valuable because they allow analyzing prior patterns and trends to predict future ones and customers’ behavior in this context. This assists firms in making market predictions, developing proper products and services, and setting suitable price charges for higher value add, or BRI.


AI developments in travel marketing relate to simplification and benefit from analyzing an enormous amount of data to offer tailored, immediate assistance and content for customers.

A/B Testing and Continuous Optimization

Split testing of marketing factors is strategic in marketing travel and tourism. By comparing different versions of ads, landing pages, as well as emails, enterprises can determine which tactics work best and how performance can be optimized.

Strategies for ongoing optimization based on data insights:

Conversion rate optimization:

Experiment with different aspects of the website in an effort to increase the booking ratio and overall satisfaction.


This means using data to produce personalized content and initiatives that respect the traveler’s inclination and activity.

Audience segmentation:

Incorporate performance information in fine-tuning target segments to make marketing more effective and appropriate.

Channel optimization:

Evaluate the channels where you advertised to determine where most of your marketing budget should be spent.

Content performance analysis:

There are specific indicators that you should employ to measure engagement and determine which posts resonate well with audiences so that you can replicate the strategy in future posts.

Customer feedback integration:

This paper recommends the integration of customer reviews and surveys in its optimization processes for better service and marketing.


Emerging Trends and Technologies in Travel Marketing

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)

Travel use cases of VR and AR includes; through simulation potential travelers can fully experience various travel destinations, travel destinations accommodations and tourist attractions. These technologies complement the marketing objectives by offering creative, fun content that create energy for bookings.

Examples of travel brands using VR/AR in their marketing strategies:

Marriott’s “VRoom Service”:

Now presents a VR in-room experience where guests can be taken to different exotic places to build up their stay experience.

Expedia’s “Try Before You Buy”:

As much as it is entertainment, VR has proven its worth in helping people make sound buying decisions, a concept embodied by Expedia’s “Try Before You Buy.”.

Qantas’ VR app:

Enables pin interest on certain destinations and aircraft interiors; makes the pre-trip experiences and decisions more exciting.

Voice Search Optimization

Voice search is crucial for travel planning since the number of consumers using smart speakers or virtual assistants rises. It also aids travel businesses in capturing this growing segment of search traffic that comes in the form of voice queries.

Tips for optimizing content for voice search queries:

Use conversational language:

Organize content written in such a manner that it is similar to actual conversations and questions.

Focus on long-tail keywords:

Focus on long-tail keywords that are most probably to be used in a conversational manner between people.

Optimize for local searches:

Adopt localized content to accommodate the “near me” conversational search queries.

Create FAQ pages:

Answer common traveling questions in a way that would respond to the voice search queries.

Improve page load speed:

Optimize your website for a fast load, as voice search focuses more on quick response.

Implement structured data:

The application of schema markup aids in providing the structure that search engines require when presenting your content.

Blockchain and Travel

By offering a decentralized, open and more transparent environment, the application of blockchain technology gives the prospects to bring innovative changes to the traditional value chain of travel bookings and transactions.

How blockchain can enhance transparency and trust in the travel industry:

Secure payments:

Adopt cryptocurrency for improved efficiency in cross-border payments with zero exchange costs.

Smart contracts:

Semi-automate the bookings and the refunds while making sure that what is said to the travelers and customers is not only fair but also understandable.

Decentralized reviews:

Establish tamper-proof reviews to ensure that the recommendations and ratings issued are reliable in the travel field.

Baggage tracking:

Introduce blockchain luggage tracking for better security on luggage and fewer cases of lost baggage.

Identity verification:

Make air travel safe and efficient with cutting-edge self-sovereign identity solutions for airport security and check-in.

Loyalty programs:

Develop linked loyalty points programs for multiple travel suppliers to improve client value.



Therefore, implementing changes that are relevant to digital marketing for the travel industry in the year 2024 is vital for any firm that deals with travel businesses. Adapting to the changes and implementing innovative technologies plays a key role in standing out in the current market.


So, many travel and tourism businesses have to reinvent themselves, be more customer-centric, and explore ways of using new technologies. These two key variables are essential to achieving success in this fast-moving industry.


If you want to start applying these travel marketing strategies today contact Sigma Solve at +1 954-397-0800 for a free consultation. Adopt and integrate innovation, information, as well as individualization to engage the contemporary traveler and bolster business.

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