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Quick Tips on Using Generative AI in Problem-Solving

  • AI and ML Development
  • Digital Transformation Solutions
  • Generative AI


Suppose you have a spouse who feels and recognizes all your problems and helps you mitigate them innovatively. Well, in real life, you can only be content with your imagination. But in professional life, generative AI is quickly becoming a companion for problem-solving.


Let’s travel to the world of intelligent machines that do not only learn but also create. In this blog, we will evaluate how artificial intelligence transforms challenges into opportunities and redefines the human approach to problem-solving. Simultaneously, we will evaluate how generative AI consulting services help enterprises transform their businesses.


Let’s explore the intense use of generative AI in solving problems in daily business life and gain knowledge about cultivating the potential for innovations for your problem-solving needs.


Generative models are changing the way we think about machine intelligence and creativity, and have the potential to transform industries from media to finance to healthcare. – Oriol Vinyals, Research Scientist, Google

What is Generative AI?

Imagine a new-age artist with extremely out-of-the-world ideas and talent to create new content—a design or a music track—studying centuries’ compositions, sketches, and motifs.


Artificial intelligence dreams up novel ideas using deep learning based on Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs). Our new digital artist, Generative AI, empowers enterprises with machine learning models. It trains machines with various data modules, styles, patterns, guides, syntaxes, and contexts from oceans of datasets to create humanized content in text, image, voice, and many other forms of creativity.


Moreover, ML consulting services enable businesses to achieve efficient planning, production, resource management, and allocation. 

Generative AI Applicability:

The growing influence of generative AI should be credited to its ability to create near-human content. Generative AI empowers itself with a deep understanding of languages and backgrounds of experience. It is capable of holding conversations easily that only humans can conduct. Generative AI has now become capable of developing engaging stories, crafting enigmatic images, writing lyrics, generating programming codes, and more.


Nonetheless, artificial intelligence has breached boundaries and is expanding healthcare, hospitality, manufacturing, law, finance, and the service sector, among many others. From the concept of yesteryear, generative AI has emerged as a technological enabler that efficiently and creatively solves human problems. It has started integrating cloud computing into automation to eliminate supply chain disruptions – a key to economic growth.


Generative models are a key enabler of machine creativity, allowing machines to go beyond what they’ve seen before and create something new – Ian Goodfellow, Director of Machine Learning, Apple

Generative AI Techniques:

Businesses can deploy generative AI to solve day-to-day problems in multiple ways. There are various techniques of generative AI available with their iconic strengths. Let’s look at a few key techniques.

Generative Pre-trained Transformers(GPT):

This deep transformer-based framework empowers a language model for exceptional content generation abilities. ChatGPT leverages a vast pool of existing texts to generate context-filled text highly relevant to the subject matter coherently. It absorbs natural language understanding to produce fascinating and unique content.

75% of Generative AI users are looking to automate tasks at work and use generative AI for work communications.


Long Short-Term Memory performs content-creating tasks using sequential data and enduring dependencies. It is an architecture based on recurrent neural networks (RNN) that helps develop data sequences. LSTM is known for recognizing handwritten content, speeches, and music.


Encoding and decoding are the favorite parts of the autoencoder. It is another form of neural network. It comprehends the coding of unlabeled data and is trained to regenerate the data provided, for example, images. Although autoencoder bases itself on data compression, it is different from jpeg. Autoencoders are used for detecting anomalies or suspicious actions.

Variational Autoencoders (VAEs):

Do you wish to generate new content or remove noise from images? A variational autoencoder (VAE) is also useful in anomaly recognition. Again, it bases itself on neural networks but functions on probability. VAEs grasp the dataset’s probability distribution and produce options for the inputs. Consequently, they perform analytical tasks efficiently.

Generative AI Applications for Problem-Solving

Generative AI is changing the business game unprecedentedly and writing a new rulebook with innovative applications for solving problems. Generative AI has started transforming industries such as healthcare, hospitality, e-commerce, finance, law, entertainment, gaming, and fashion.


By 2025, more that 30% of new drugs and materials will be systematically discovered using generative AI techniques.


AI has been at the forefront of drug discovery against new viruses. It profoundly analyzes medical images such as X-rays and cardio maps to help doctors diagnose accurately. It detects anomalies in the medical reports for corrective medication.


Predict stock prices, market trends, and investment scenarios or assess risks – AI does it all for financial experts. Moreover, generative AI is an effective tool for detecting malicious cyberattacks, suspicious transactions, and fraud.


Content creators are second on the list of generative AI users. From a business or technology article to social media post content to fiction stories to poetry and lyrics, generative AI does everything artistically and aesthetically.

Customer Service:

Chatbot-enabled customer services are on the rise. Generative AI-powered bots respond to customer queries to their satisfaction. Engaging and natural-looking conversations help businesses improve customer experiences.


Personalization is the backbone of the digital commerce industry to increase revenue and build a loyal customer base. Generative AI in eCommerce enables businesses to understand customer needs, recommend personalized products, and engage and convert those needs into sales. 


Translation isn’t a big deal since search engines provide such services. However, generative AI brings creative online translation services to help businesses and individuals communicate with other worlds effectively.


Generative AI is busy overhauling gaming experiences with immersive audiovisual effects, responsive designs, real-looking characters, and in-built chat support for an iconic entertainment experience.


It has been observed that software solution programmers use 65% of the generative AI tools used for writing codes. Algorithmic coding needs much deeper knowledge, but AI has made it very easy by providing readymade codes for programmers.


From generating ideas to artistic pieces, generative AI has been revolutionizing the art and fashion industries. Ergonomic designs, aesthetic patterns, oomph color combinations, and more are just a few clicks away with generative AI.


Law firms and the judiciary are extensively using generative AI for judgment reading and summarization, for preparing arguments, analyzing judgments and their impacts, and for study purposes as well.


Generative AI is widely used now to help marketers run productive ad campaigns targeting customers based on their behavior. It also helps marketers engage with consumers using personalized content through email marketing.

Workforce Planning: 

The manufacturing sector’s success lies in efficient resource management. Generative AI helps businesses plan their production, human resource allocation, workload management, machine scheduling, and process automation.

Benefits of Generative AI:

Problem-solving ability should be an understatement for generative AI when it is transforming how businesses operate, engage, market, and make profits. AI-enabled machine learning, coupled with process automation solution, has taken center stage and is fueling incomparable growth. In short, the benefits of generative AI overpower the fear of misuse. Let’s evaluate a few key benefits of generative AI.

Speed and Efficiency: 

Troubleshooting is no longer time-consuming or erroneous, as generative AI processes data quickly and analyzes it accurately, bringing speed and efficiency to problem-solving. 


Innovation and creativity are the fundamental values of generative AI. It discourages duplication and promotes novel ideas to the table to brainstorm to solve problems innovatively. 


The human mind tires, not AI. Generative AI performs constantly and produces desirable results consistently, allowing human resources to be more productive. 


Guesswork is replaced with data-driven insights. Generative AI analyzes massive data efficiently and draws definitive conclusions to make wise decisions. 


Consumers are happy that digital commerce businesses are taking care of their needs and providing personal recommendations. Businesses are happy to improve their ROI.


There is no end to generative AI services, as AI-powered chatbots are always there to effectively engage, answer customer’s queries, and provide thorough support. 


Robotic process automation takes over mundane work to allow labor to be more proactive towards other work to help businesses reduce operational costs. 


Generative AI processes natural human language and functions with multiple languages; thus, it breaks language barriers and builds bridges among people.

Generative AI Tips for Problem-Solving:

Based on experience in devising so many generative AI solutions, Sigma Solve provides a few creative and effective tips to solve many of your problems. Leveraging AI should not be based on bandwagoning, but businesses must devise a unique strategy aligned with objectives to solve problems. 

Tip-1: Define Objectives

Recognize problems, evaluate them, set precise objectives for problem-solving, and define outcomes. Once you have a virtual image ready, solving problems becomes easy. 

Tip-2: Data Quality

The solution to the problem is as accurate as the quality of the data. Businesses should leverage diverse and qualitative data to train AI models. 

Tip-3: Fine-tuning

Instead of approaching problems with ‘one size fits all’, businesses should fine-tune their AI models in line with the problems. Fine-tuning helps you achieve accuracy. 

Tip-4: Oversight

However automated, a human must have complete control over the generative AI models to verify and validate the solution to ensure no error disrupts the problem-solving process. 

Tip-5: Refine

Although generative AI is powerful, solutions are only for part of eternity. Businesses need to evaluate and refine AI models for consistency and innovative solutions. 

Tip-6: Ethical

Businesses must set generative AI usage guidelines to ensure it is used only ethically and must address sensitive issues such as data privacy and regulations. 

Tip-7: Collaborative

Building a team of subject experts and AI experts allows businesses to gain a wider perspective on problems. A multidisciplinary approach leads to a wholesome solution. 

Tip-8: Update

The generative AI field is rapidly developing, with innumerable models and solutions. Businesses must stay updated with knowledge of AI to remain ahead of the curve.


Bottom line:

Generative AI is proving to be a weapon of mass innovation. Generative AI solutions offer speed, accuracy, creativity, and productivity. For problem-solving, businesses require AI consulting services to find the right generative AI solution.


Sigma Solve is an AI and digital transformation company with vast expertise in generative AI solutions, machine learning consulting, and cloud solutions. Let’s partner and work together to find effective generative AI solutions for problem-solving. Let’s connect at +1 954-397-0800.

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