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Everything You Need to Know About Staff Augmentation

  • Staff Augmentation

The staff augmentation model is a fantastic alternative for IT organizations looking to save on expenses while increasing production and efficiency. Before you use this model, you must first understand what it entails, what it can be used for, what the benefits are, and how to work effectively with augmented teams.


We’ll break down the notion of staff augmentation services and look at how it affects startups, corporations, and IT operations in this guide.

Everything You Need to Know About Staff Augmentation

Let’s start by breaking down what staff augmentation actually means.

What is Staff Augmentation?

The tremendous expansion in the usage of contingent employees across businesses throughout the world is one of the most significant developments in today’s corporate world. This isn’t necessarily a modern practice, either. It all started when administrators were loaned across organizational lines to temporarily cover duties due to vacations, sickness, and other reasons. Today, contingent employment may take several forms, the most prevalent of which is staff augmentation. The deployment of temporary outside people to increase your organization’s capability is known as staff augmentation.


Staff augmentation is a form of HR outsourcing approach that allows a firm to temporarily augment its workers by adding staff to its team based on the expertise necessary for a project. IT staff augmentation is a remote hiring model that allows a company to assemble a team of skilled IT professionals (including software developers, web developers, software testers, and other IT professionals) to perform specific tasks and fill staffing gaps on projects in accordance with current business objectives. Staff augmentation services are managed by an IT partner in this situation, who also offers formal employment, insurance, and tax services to remote workers.

Staff Augmentation Use Cases

There are several instances in which firms use employee augmentation. One scenario where it can be used is when capacity needs to be increased. To meet a temporary rise in work, businesses will hire more people via staff augmentation. Project management, increases in customer demand, and other types of labor and demands fall under this category. Staff augmentation can act as a bridge to supply capacity while a permanent team is being built.


Another use case for staff augmentation is when specialized skills are required. Staff augmentation can be effective for out-of-house specialist skills that are only needed for a short period of time.


Staff augmentation can be employed for both tactical and strategic goals. As a strategy to achieve a competitive edge and accelerate speed to market, startups can adopt this technique to construct an organization or team employing 100% flexible workers.

How Does Staff Augmentation Work?

Staff augmentation is a form of outsourcing process of service provided by a third-party organization via contract to supplement the current on-premise team’s expertise and abilities. This strategy involves assessing current employee abilities and identifying which skills are required for the specific project in question.


These resources are hired directly by the vendor, which eliminates the expense and risk of creating new full-time personnel. Remote employees employed through a staffing firm, on the other hand, are committed to only one project at a time.


Basically, an organization leader will contact a staff augmentation firm and work with them to develop the right team to outsource for the project. Depending on the firm you work with, staff augmentation might be very hands-on or very hands-off for a more outsourced, “set it and forget it” approach in which the external team will take care of your tasks and deliver on a deadline. It’s quite simple.

Types of Staff Augmentation

Staff augmentation recruiting may be divided into two categories. There are both short-term and long-term options:

  • When there is a short-term requirement for specialists (engineers, developers, testers, etc.) or when in-house specialists are unavailable, short-term staff augmentation services are employed.
  • Long-term staff augmentation services are utilized in lengthier projects when a talent gap has to be filled, operating expenses need to be minimized, or hiring an in-house employee is unfeasible or problematic.

Staffing may be split into three categories:

  • Skilled: when a certain skill set is required but the degree of those skills is not crucial.
  • Very Skilled: When you require professionals with extremely sophisticated talents that can only be acquired via extensive training and experience. In the outsourcing industry, corporations frequently seek this form of workforce augmentation.
  • Commodity: When you need a dependable workforce but don’t require them to have a certain skill set, you use commodity staff augmentation.

The Benefits of Staff Augmentation

While both staff augmentation and project outsourcing can be advantageous in some instances, the former is frequently most effective for project-based organizations that are in a state of perpetual flux.


One benefit of staff augmentation is the option to merely pay for what you require. Staff augmentation helps firms to save money over time. This innovative concept allows you to engage temporary staff, meaning you do not have to employ full-time personnel which can be incredibly pricey. You only pay for what you require for the time you require it.


Another benefit of staff expansion is saving time. With staff augmentation, you may also save your business executives a lot of time. To hire full-time personnel, it takes time to produce job listings, interview individuals, and complete the necessary paperwork. With it, you can eliminate time spent recruiting new personnel.


One of the most significant advantages of staff augmentation is the opportunity to manage your in-house employees while leaving the administration of your outsourced employees to the staffing business. You are effectively entrusting your work to strangers when you outsource your job to a third party. However, staff augmentation allows you to pick a temporary team to work with. You decide who will lead the project and what will be prioritized.

The Downsides of Staff Augmentation

While staff augmentation is very useful, it does have some downsides to consider. When compared to standardized processes designed for direct hiring, staff augmentation necessitates adjustments and additions to internal processes and technologies. Furthermore, when staff augmentation becomes the go-to approach for longer-term projects, concerns might occur, such as greater costs and risk when a service level commitment is not properly established.


Oversight and management are two main drawbacks. Any increase in a team’s size and resources need management and procedures. This comprises temporary employees hired as part of a staffing strategy.


Another disadvantage is the onboarding of third-party personnel. Staff augmentation onboarding often takes less time and effort than onboarding recruited personnel, but it is not nonexistent, and some level of involvement may be necessary.


A lack of institutional expertise and knowledge can also cause problems. Some initiatives need a level of historical knowledge that can only be acquired by current staff. Depending on the project, someone fresh may need to be trained and scaled up.

What is Outsourcing?

To better understand staff augmentation, it helps to understand outsourcing in general. The utilization of external service providers to supply a certain business process, application service, or infrastructure solution is known as outsourcing. When you outsource services, the outsourcing business has a lot of influence over the project and the personnel that are assigned to it. They are accountable for the work’s outcomes and quality. Outsourcing entails entrusting the execution of processes, services, solutions, and projects to another organization.

Staff Augmentation

The Difference Between Outsourcing and Staff Augmentation

Staff augmentation is technically a form of outsourcing, but there are some differences worth considering. Staff augmentation entails adding members to your team based on the project’s additional skills requirements. Alternatively, outsourcing allows you to complete your full project using the resources of another organization. Thus, it’s less about staff augmentation vs outsourcing and more about required skills to involve in a project vs required tasks to be completed.

Should I Invest in Staff Augmentation?

Staff augmentation allows you to increase your workforce at a low cost. Companies may expand their businesses faster than they could if they hired new full-time employees by cutting expenses while still acquiring top talent for specific projects.


Perhaps your organization has taken on a significant project that needs a skill set that your internal staff lacks. Finding the correct experienced employees to complete the job in the least amount of time is, of course, tough. Engineers and individual experts with high-level abilities that may take time, training, and experience to perfect can be brought on board through staff augmentation. Investing in staff augmentation, particularly for young firms and tech startups, may be quite beneficial.


If you’re looking for a vendor, look for one that offers both staffing and project outsourcing services. You won’t have to maintain numerous vendor relationships with such a partner, and you’ll get the best of both worlds.


How was our guide to staff augmentation and the benefits of outsourcing staff, either wholly or partially? Tell us how staff augmentation has benefited your startup or organization in the comments below.


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