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Android vs iOS: Which is the Future of Mobile App Development?

  • Android Development
  • iOS Development
  • Mobile Application Development

Today mobile app development is a growing industry with a market size of $197.2 billion and a growth rate of 2.8%. Experts predict this growth will continue between 2022 and 2030.

So, what’s the future of Android vs. iOS development? These two mobile development platforms strive to ensure people and businesses stay connected, remain relevant, and become successful and responsive.

Android and iOS offer a variety of development options and contribute to mobile application growth. The top two operating systems strive to unlock their value and provide customers with a relevant and personalized experience.

When choosing a mobile app development platform, consider the features and differences of these market leaders. Here is what you need to know about Android vs. iOS developer demand.

Android vs. iOS Pros and Cons

As businesses continue to experience growth in mobile app usage, developers are looking for innovative ways to produce cutting-edge mobile app experiences. These are software applications that meet user demands.

Customer demand for a seamless mobile application experience has grown over the years. Developers need to identify these demands and the iOS vs. Android benefits and challenges of mobile app development platforms.

Benefits of Android App Development

Android app development focuses on creating an application that runs on the Android operating system. Developers who choose Android experience these benefits.


Android applications run on all Android phones and tablets. The platform is compatible with most Android devices, hardware, and software. That means users are unlikely to experience incompatibility issues with Android Apps.

Another flexibility is in the coding language. Android developers use JAVA which is versatile, meaning developers can build Android apps on Windows, Linux, or Mac computers.

The JAVA programming language is also easier to learn for developers of all levels and skills. Building and deploying apps is much faster because of Android’s flexibility.

Large Market Share

Android commands a larger market share of 71.6% globally. More people use Android devices because they are more accessible and cheaper, which can lead to higher profits for developers.

A large user base also encourages developers to continue innovating and developing more apps for different devices. The use of Android is more common in Africa, Latin America, and Asia

Availability of Learning Resources

Android app developers can find a variety of learning resources on Google. Beginners and experts can grasp new concepts from different training programs available online. They can choose paid or free online resources to learn and improve their Android app development skills.

Developers can also do exercises and interact with materials that will help them produce high-quality mobile applications.

Publishing Android Apps

Most Android apps don’t violate the publishing guidelines and get approved at low rates. That means more developers can get their apps onto the market.

Android also encourages innovation that encourages innovation and an improved customer experience.

Open-Source Code

Android offers open-source code, which is available to Android manufacturers. The developers can access and modify the source code to suit their development needs.

It also means manufacturers can customize software and make key changes to features that will improve an app’s performance. This allows room for creativity. Developers can also modify the look and feel of an app, making it more user-friendly.

Builds Apps for More Devices

Android allows cross-platform app development. Developers can build systems for platforms like Wear OS devices or Auto Android.

That means your app can integrate with cars, smart watches, or TVs. Android app development enables you to go beyond smartphones and tap into your creativity.

Drawbacks of Android App Development

Although Android is a popular operating system, you might experience some challenges. Identifying these challenges can help you make a decision about the development platform you prefer. Android app development challenges include.


Fragmentation can cause compatibility issues because developers build dynamic applications for different devices. The devices can have different speeds, screen sizes, and resolutions that will not match the requirements of a specific application update.

Modifications to the software’s source code can cause more issues. That’s why apps have to be thoroughly tested and optimized for different device sizes, screen resolutions, and speeds. That means the testing phase of the software development process can take more time.

Increasing Costs

Developing Android apps takes more time and can come with quality assurance issues, leading to an increase in the development cost. The time it takes to code using different programming languages like Java or Kotlin can also increase costs.

Security Issues

Android, as an open-source platform, is more vulnerable to cyberattacks. Since more people have access to open-source software, it is difficult to identify, track, and solve vulnerability issues.

Benefits of iOS Mobile App Development

iOS is a proprietary platform and the second-largest mobile operating system (OS) globally. It has a user-centered design that allows developers to create and distribute apps through Apple’s app store.

The OS is for Apple devices like iPhones and iPads. It operates within a closed ecosystem to provide users with a seamless networking experience. Developers can consider the following pros and cons when choosing iOS as a development platform.

High Performance

iOS applications are fast, easy to use, and reliable. They have few bugs and provide an excellent user experience. It offers features like haptic feedback, which is the vibration users feel when interacting with their iOS devices. The feedback starts strong and reduces as users pick up their phones.

Helpful Set-Up Process

Features on Apple devices like iPhones help users set up their phones. They can transfer all contacts, calendars, system settings, and application layouts.

An iOS app development company can also use DEP (Device Enrollment Program) to preconfigure iOS device settings.

Offers Third-Party Software Security

iOS devices have high-level security that requires all applications to go through a thorough review before being available on the App Store.

The review improves the security, quality, and development standards of iOS applications. iOS devices are few, making it easy for developers to optimize their apps and provide a better user experience.

The downside of iOS App Development

Although iOS provides an impressive user experience, it has some disadvantages. Consider the following challenges before choosing a development platform.

Rigid App Development Requirements

The environment for developing iOS applications is only compatible with MAC computers. That means developers need extra technology for iOS apps development, which can create constraints.

Acquiring a MAC computer can also be an added cost, making the process more expensive. This can discourage some developers from using iOS to create new applications.

Battery Performance Issues

iOS devices drain the battery quickly. As a developer, you’ll need to create an application that will not drain users’ batteries to encourage them to buy.

For example, if a user notices an app is quickly draining their battery, they will want to uninstall it. This is an area where developers expect to see improvements.

Device Compatibility

Developers have to adjust their apps so that they are compatible with the latest iOS device releases. Each new release comes with new hardware and software requirements. As an iOS developer, you’ll need to learn and adjust your apps according to these requirements.

The learning process can take time, and if you don’t adjust your app, it might not work on a new device. iOS developers have to be up to date with new changes in hardware or software.

App Rejection

Developers might face app rejection if their app does not meet specific guidelines. Although Apple’s strict quality standards and clear guidelines help to maintain iOS quality, they can be a hindrance to developers.

Applications that do not meet these strict standards are rejected. The guidelines can limit a developer’s creativity. With strict measures, only a few developers can build on the iOS platform. Here is why an app might be rejected.

Poor Performance

iOS app developers must ensure their app runs smoothly without major issues. Otherwise, it will be rejected.

This is a major requirement for any iOS or Android developer, but Apple is stricter and prioritizes its devices for user satisfaction. A slow or unresponsive app is likely to be rejected.

Lack of Adequate App Information

Providing enough information about your app is important if you use the iOS platform.

Include metadata to describe the use of your app. You can add screenshots or add videos. A lack of enough information about your app can lead to rejection.

Poor Security

Apple takes security seriously, and any application that runs on iOS should not promote content that encourages violence, drug abuse, or pornography. Submitting apps that have such content can lead to rejection.

Poor User Interface design and User-Experience

Apple is likely to reject an app that has a difficult-to-operate user interface. The design should also be appealing to the user’s eyes.

The layout should have proper padding and margins, and your app should be original.

These requirements help maintain the best user experience but also limit the customization of an app’s interface. It can also hinder your app’s interaction with other third-party software.

android vs. ios development

Android vs. iOS Development Comparison

Android and iOS platforms are both popular for different reasons. The future for both apps is promising.

Android has the largest market share and a large ecosystem, while iOS provides high-performance and top-quality features.

These two leading platforms will continue to gain popularity in the coming years. Here is how you can compare Android vs. iOS development.


Android apps have a larger user base, which can translate to higher income, but iOS users are likely to make more in-app purchases than Android users.

Although iOS has a market share of only 24.1%, users offer a higher lifetime value, which increases revenue.

According to experts, the spending of in-app users is likely to reach $60 billion. That means developers might end up making more money using the iOS platform.

Identifying Target Audience for Android and iOS

When identifying your target customers, consider the differences between Android vs. iOS development. Who do you want to appeal to? For example, Android users are mostly in the medical or technical fields. Research also shows that most customers who prefer Android are men.

If you prefer to develop your app using iOS, most users are managers, sales experts, and business people. They also have high incomes and follow the latest technology trends in the market.

Consider Development Time and Budget

When looking at iOS vs. Android apps, developers must consider their key differences. iOS is a proprietary platform focusing on standardization and a smooth user experience. It has fewer hardware devices and uses Swift as its native programming language.

These features significantly reduce development time and cost. This makes the iOS development platform a better choice for developers looking at time and cost demands.

Unlike iOS, Android is open-source software and uses many different languages. It’s also compatible with different hardware devices, which requires more testing and consumes more time. These differences show that the Android platform consumes more development time and money.

Application Maintenance

Maintenance is an ongoing process, and developers might need to remove bugs or update applications after an app release. Maintaining these apps depends on the operating system.

Some applications will not function properly on an outdated operating system (OS).

Statistics show that 50% of Android users do not update their OS. It means their phones are running on an outdated OS, and developers have to remove bugs and sort out other issues constantly. That increases the maintenance cost for Android developers. OS update issues are rare with iPhone users, making iOS a cheaper platform to maintain.

Publishing and Accessibility

Android is a more accessible platform than iOS. Google Play accepts most applications after review. This encourages more beginner and veteran developers to innovate and come up with better mobile applications.

Unlike Android, Apple has stricter publishing guidelines, making the platform inaccessible to most developers.

Profitability and User Location

Depending on location, iOS or Android mobile phone applications can be profitable. For example, targeting users in Western Europe or North America using iOS can be more profitable.

Using the Android platform is more profitable if your target market is in Africa or Asia. User location plays a big role in determining the best platform.


When choosing Android vs. iOS development platforms, consider their benefits, challenges, and differences. Key factors like target audience, budget and time resources, user location, and experience can help you make the right choice.

The future for Android and iOS looks good, and the platform you choose depends on how well it will serve you and your customers’ needs.

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