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Enterprise Mobility – Challenges, Opportunities, and Best Practices

  • Enterprise Mobility Solutions


As an IT company, we often encounter the question of whether digitization is helpful to humanity or whether it is working against us. Is there any definite answer? It depends on how you use digitization and what you use it for. In spite of this perplexity, enterprise mobility solutions have been empowering businesses and the working class alike.


Mobile technologies are enablers of multitasking. It has stimulated productivity, provided impetus to flawless collaborations, and facilitated swift decision-making. On top of that, enterprise mobility has allowed businesses to gain a competitive edge, providing enhanced customer experiences. 

What is Enterprise Mobility?

Enterprise mobility is an approach in which an organization provides a suite of systems and services to its employees to access data and processes securely and work independently of the office environment without hampering productivity. 


There is no denying that mobile penetration has been unprecedented, and the rise of mobile technology is both incredible and beneficial. Even statistics give credence to the fact that employee productivity has risen by 36 to 40%, and almost 70% of organizations have invested in a remote workforce. The essence of digital transformation can be recognized because, according to the forecast, the enterprise mobility market will grow to $63.6 billion by 2026.


Nonetheless, businesses must eliminate the obstacles by addressing the challenges of integrating mobility solutions and utilizing them efficiently and successfully. This blog evaluates the challenges, enterprise-level efforts to resolve them, and deploying the best practices to ensure a smoother transition and greater returns.


Today, enterprises have sustainable growth at their core. Recognizing the mobility challenges, identifying the opportunities, and deploying best practices help businesses utilize enterprise mobility solutions to their full potential. 

Challenges in Transforming Businesses through Mobility Solutions

Security Concerns:

Digital transformation does bring security-related challenges. Enterprise mobility solutions are not exceptional. Enterprises providing data access to personal devices could be risky. There is a heightened possibility of a data breach. Encrypting personal devices is also challenging.

Data Management:

The scale of mobile penetration has resulted in a massive pool of data. Storing these data, compartmentalizing them, and accessing them with authorization requires a complex architecture. Moreover, managing such architecture itself is challenging and resource-consuming.


Old technologies, operating systems, and devices become obsolete with the latest technologies. Maintaining the compatibility of the devices and installed applications for streamlined performance is a major challenge for businesses.

User Experience: 

Ensuring consistent corporate data access for employees in a user-friendly environment is daunting. Interface optimization across devices and their capabilities is critical for enhanced performance. There could be a more cost-effective enterprise solution

Cost Management: 

Building a sustainable architecture, acquiring compatible devices, mobile app development, and building data servers demand considerable financial investment. Calculating expenses against the return on investment may severely affect the annual budget. 

Regulatory Compliance: 

The regulatory framework is tightening each day. Governments across the globe pursue legal frameworks to protect personal data. Navigating through a compliance regime is complex. Ensuring employees observe norms and privacy laws is costly and exhausting for businesses. 

System Modernization: 

Digital transformation seeks to upgrade legacy systems by integrating enterprise mobility solutions. However, this homogenization can be complicated. Ensuring systems’ consistency while developing constant data synchronization in real time is complicated and challenging. 


Preparing the legacy systems to accommodate more tasks without affecting performance presents critical operational issues. Making the existing system accessible to more devices, apps, and data may result in a breakdown of the system. Hence, improving scalability is a challenge.


Adapting to new processes designed using mobility solutions poses a potential threat to operations. Ensuring impeccable adaptability requires a considerable amount of training for employees. As a result, performance slows down, further delaying the upgrade of the new system. 

Opportunities for Adapting to Enterprise Mobility Solutions

Productivity Enhancement: 

Mobility solutions provide flexibility to work from various places at a comfortable time. It improves productivity by accessing numerous resources and applications on mobile devices. Employees stay connected and work on time without unnecessary pressure.

Customer Engagement: 

Businesses can leverage mobility to build an environment of trust by offering extremely personalized experiences. Businesses can utilize the full potential of mobility and remove hindrances to establish mobile-to-mobile communication.

Cost Saving: 

Mobility Solutions helps businesses reduce infrastructure costs, which can be crucial for long-term savings. Moreover, businesses need less space, less tech support, and limited operational flexibility; everything reduces the financial burden on the enterprise.

Competitive Benefit:

Lower costs help businesses offer more services in the same price range. Moreover, businesses can invest in innovation and provide better products and services to clients than their competitors. As a result, businesses can gain more business and revenue.

Data-driven Decisions: 

Accuracy in forecasts and decisions is everything for businesses. Enterprise mobility solutions provide massive data and tools to analyze data to derive exceptional decisions accurately. Data-driven decisions help businesses attain a leading position.

Flexibility and Agility:

Having mobility solutions at your disposal enhances operational flexibility. It allows businesses to stay on top of trends, instantly adapting to new technology, algorithms, and frameworks. Enterprise mobility helps businesses quickly align objectives to consumer demand with agility.

Global Expansion:

Businesses can leverage mobility solutions to acquire global talent and provide superior services. At the same time, it enables businesses to reach audiences abroad, explore foreign markets, and provide various variants of services and products to capture new markets and new revenue avenues.

Employee Satisfaction:

Total experience is a new buzzword involving customer and employee satisfaction. Enterprise mobility helps employees improve work-life balance. Flexibility to work from anywhere helps employees improve their productivity and creativity.


From 14″ to 6″—the world is shrinking into mobile. Therefore, it cultivates a culture of innovation for mobile devices, apps, and services. Businesses can have a workforce that constantly experiments with new things and develops innovative solutions to improve business prospects.

Targeted Marketing:

Mobile devices with analytical tools help businesses collect and analyze data on the spot. Real-time data analytics allows businesses to target audiences with extreme personalization to convert intents into sales effectively and at a great rate, thus building a loyal customer base.

Optimized Supply Chain:

Enterprise mobility can easily be synonymous with anything in real-time. From real-time inventory to dispatch to logistics to delivery, mobility solutions streamline the entire supply chain, enabling businesses to improve productivity and reduce procedural costs.


Once businesses grab these opportunities and adapt to digital transformation effectively, they can leverage the transformative power of enterprise mobility to build a culture of innovation, deliver innovation and total satisfaction, and gain a competitive edge to grow out of their limitations.

Best Practices for Digital Transformation through Mobility Solutions

Security Framework:

Unsecured devices having access to secure data endangers data breaches and regulation violations. Businesses with mobility solutions usually adapt to extremely secure apparatus. Businesses deploy multi-factor authentication, encryption for app security, malware detection, and regular security updates to protect highly sensitive corporate data. 

User-centric Approach: 

Whether businesses get a new app or go for app modernization services, their design should be user-friendly. Responsive design and meticulous accessibility with intuitive navigation make it easy for employees and customers to adapt to new apps and approaches, enhancing the total experience. 

Data Management:

Data storage, access, backup, and recovery demand businesses develop a profound and technically sound data management strategy to address security concerns and information sharing. Businesses adapt to regular data audits and thorough encryption to avoid unauthorized access. 

App Management:

Businesses were casual about mobile application management (MAM) earlier, but with increased cyber threats, mobile app management and security have taken center stage. Application framework, algorithm, staging, updates, distribution, and sharing are sensitive business issues to prevent data theft. 

Secure Network: 

Businesses need to ensure that no unauthorized access is provided to insecure devices. Businesses are deploying secure access gateways or implementing virtual private networks. As a result, enterprises can monitor traffic, track suspicious activities, and offer secure access to authorized devices. 

Cloud Integration: 

One effective practice is to store data securely on the cloud and offer secure access to the cloud to avoid security mishaps. Enterprises are enhancing mobility solutions by providing seamless connectivity with cloud-based data and proficiently integrating cloud solutions with mobility solutions. 

Privacy Compliance: 

The world over, data privacy and protection concerns are rising. In response, governments introduce regulations. Complying with these regulations is one of the best practices businesses can adopt to ensure authenticity, certification, and consent. Data processing norms must be observed to build trust among consumers. 


Bottom line:

Enterprise mobility solutions will shape the future of this digital world. Therefore, businesses must identify roadblocks and, ideally, should develop custom solutions by grabbing opportunities. 


Sigma Solve’s mobility solutions provide AI and ML-powered digital transformation solutions, including mobile solutions. Learn more about how our enterprise mobility solutions revolutionize business processes and empower enterprises to adapt, grow, and scale new heights.


For consultation, call us at +1 954-397-0800.

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