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Role of Maven in Web App Development with Apache Struts

  • Application Development
  • Java Development

Several tools have been created over the years to make the tasks of developers easier, and some of them have become almost as essential as programming languages themselves. Among them, Maven stands out as one of the best in the Java ecosystem.


Maven’s meteoric rise to prominence may be attributed in large part to the standardization of its build system. The plugins that extend Maven’s functionality that may be found in the Maven repository are where the real brains are.


As a result of its popularity, millions of Maven project binaries have been packaged and made available on public repositories.


You can hire Java Developers to build your web app with this famous application creation tool. This article will explore the fundamental ideas underlying the tool and much more.

What is Maven?

Maven is a build tool for project management that is widely used in the Java application development community. It has a set of tools for uniformly and simply managing the many parts of a project, such as its source code and configuration.


Maven lets Java workers build projects that follow a set of rules and handle the project’s lifetime and dependencies.

Why Use Maven for Web Application Development?

There are several advantages of employing Maven for web application development that make it stand out from other Java frameworks. The following are some factors in favor of adopting Maven:

1. Build Tool

Maven is a construction tool for generating WAR, JAR, and EAR files, all of which may be utilized in a Java setting. Maven’s low setup burden makes it a breeze to set up and get started. Convention is prioritized above configuration in this tool, which results in several well-considered defaults.

2. Managing Dependencies

Dependency management is Maven’s primary strength, which is why it is so popular for use in Java application development. Having an internal Maven repository makes sense since Java programs rely on several open-source libraries from different sources, each of which may have numerous versions. Using Maven, they may be automatically imported by any programmer working on an application. The libraries used by Maven are kept in what is called a “global maven repository,” which has its URL.

3. Transitive Dependency Resolution

Maven provides the capability to handle transitive dependencies. This eliminates the need to acquire the plethora of libraries upon which Spring relies when you include the framework into your project. Maven will download those JARs and take care of the version automatically, which is a terrific feature that saves a lot of effort that would otherwise be spent setting up the build environment and dealing with terrible issues.

4. Setting up Maven

Installing Apache Maven and configuring settings.xml with the local repository name and global repository connection information is required to use Maven. If you’re using Windows 8, you may install Maven by following the instructions provided.

5. Plugin for M2Eclipse

If you use the Eclipse IDE for web application development, you may also utilize the M2Eclipse Maven plugin. This allows you to create, edit, and execute Maven projects using Eclipse. The M2E Eclipse plugin is available in the Eclipse Marketplace for download and installation. When utilizing this tool from Eclipse, the M2Eclipse plugin may also be used to create a Maven project.

6. Pom.xml

Another significant advantage of utilizing Maven is pom.xml, which is similar to build.xml in the ANT build apparatus. It is essentially like having a pom.xml file for every project, which represents the Project object model.


Project details such as groupId, artifactId, name, and more are stored in pom.xml, which is then used to create deliverables like the JAR file and to move the JAR file inside the internal maven repository. The JAR module, which is responsible for creating a JAR file from class files, is one of the plugins listed in the pom.xml file. 

What are the key concepts of Maven?

Dependencies and Repositories

The Project relies on a set of external Java libraries known as dependencies, and its bundled files are stored in repositories. The local repository is simply a folder on your computer. If the required dependencies aren’t already in your repository, Maven will get them from the official Maven repository and add them to yours.

Build Profiles

A build profile is a collection of configuration parameters that may be utilized to build your project in a variety of ways. You could, for instance, want to build your project on your computer for testing and development purposes.


To allow different builds, you can add different build profiles to your POM files by using its profile elements, which can be started in different ways.

Build Life Cycles, Phases, and Goals

Every phase of the build life cycle has its own set of objectives, and together they form the overall build life cycle. When a lifecycle is started using the Maven command, all of the build phases that make up that lifecycle are also started. Requesting the execution of a particular build phase causes the execution of all build phases preceding it in the specified order.

Plugin System

Plugins for the build process are used to accomplish a certain task. The POM file may have a plugin added to it. You may use one of the many pre-built plugins for Maven, or you can write your own using Java.

Data Format for POM Files

When using Maven to build a project, the source directory, dependencies, objectives, plugins, etc. are all stored in XML files known as Project Object Models (POMs). To tell maven to run a set of commands, you place them in a POM file. The pom.xml file is read by Maven and used for its setup and activities.

How to build Java Application with Maven?

To build a Java application using Maven, you can follow these steps:

Set up your project structure


  • Create a new directory for your project.
  • Inside the project directory, create a subdirectory called src/main/java to store your Java source code.
  • Optionally, create a subdirectory called src/test/java to store your test code.

Create a Maven project


  • Open a command prompt or terminal and navigate to your project directory.
  • Run the following command to create a new Maven project: 

mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.example -DartifactId=my-app -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DinteractiveMode=false


  • Replace com.example with your desired package name.
  • Replace my-app with your desired project name.
  • Maven will generate a basic project structure for you.

Define project dependencies


  • Open the pom.xml file in your project directory.
  • Inside the <dependencies> section, add the dependencies you need for your Java application. Specify the group ID, artifact ID, and version of each dependency.
  • Save the pom.xml file.

Write your Java code


  • Create your Java classes and place them in the src/main/java directory.
  • Implement your application logic and any necessary dependencies.

Build the project


  • Open a command prompt or terminal and navigate to your project directory.
  • Run the following command to build your Java application: mvn clean install
  • Maven will compile your Java source code, run tests (if any), and package your application.

Run the application


  • After successfully building the project, you can execute your Java application.
  • Locate the generated JAR file in the target directory.
  • Use the appropriate command to run the JAR file, such as java -jar my-app.jar.

Maven will handle the compilation, dependency management, and packaging of your Java application, making the build process more streamlined and manageable.

Pros of Using Maven

Maven does several useful functions, such as:


  • The use of Maven makes it simple to build a project.
  • When a project’s central repository of JARs and other dependencies has to be updated, Maven is a huge assistance.
  • Maven is also useful for handling the many phases of a project’s build lifecycle, such as code packaging, testing, compilation, and deployment.
  • Using maven, we can simply include jars and other project dependencies.
  • Maven allows us to create many projects into various output kinds like JAR, WAR, etc. without the need for scripting.
  • Project details (log document, dependency list, unit test results, etc.) may be accessed using Maven.
  • Integrating our project with version control repositories (like Subversion or Git) is a breeze using maven.
  • Maven streamlines dependency management, ensuring that consistent library and framework versions are utilized across a project.
  • With Maven, developers can be certain that their projects will always have the same basic structure, making it simple to find the files they need.
  • Developers may tailor the build process to their own needs and preferences using Maven’s flexible configuration options.
  • Maven allows developers to handle the dependencies of numerous projects at once by supporting multi-module projects.
  • The build process may be enhanced using tools like static code analysis, code coverage analysis, and more with the help of Maven plugins.


Maven has revolutionized Java development by becoming a standard feature of innumerable Java projects.


There are several advantages to app development with Maven including simplified dependency management, automated build processes, uniform project structure, connection with CI systems, a robust plugin ecosystem, and a centralized repository. These benefits improve Java development in terms of efficiency, code quality, and management.


While Maven is a strong and sophisticated tool, even a rudimentary grasp of its capabilities and the reasoning behind how it works may greatly facilitate development and lessen the load of managing the non-coding components of Java development.

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