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AWS or Google Cloud: Which one Should I Choose?

  • AWS Solution
  • Cloud & Devops

Why Every Business Needs a Cloud Platform

What if we tell you that you don’t require IT infrastructure to run a digital business? Would you believe us? 

Sigma Solve can ensure massive computing power, unlimited storage, and thousands of applications and tools – all available on demand. Well, that’s a cloud platform that provides cloud computing services.

Benefits of cloud platforms:


Businesses don’t need to pay for expensive hardware and software licenses and don’t need additional space to store IT infrastructure.


Businesses can easily adjust cloud resources up and down according to market dynamics and their own needs.


Cloud platforms usually provide robust security for data and applications compared to in-house IT infrastructure.


Cloud platform empowers businesses to access data and applications from anywhere in the world with an internet connection.

Disaster Recovery:

Businesses need not worry about data in times of disaster. Cloud platforms offer built-in redundancy to protect your data in any situation.

Choosing Your Cloud Champion: key factors to consider

With a plethora of benefits, any business can vie for clouds. However, selecting a cloud platform can be overwhelming. 


Sigma Solve’s cloud consulting services ensure that you select the right cloud platform that adequately meets your business needs. Sigma Solve offers technical expertise to evaluate data security, budgeting, and scalability, guiding you toward an ideal cloud solution. 

Key Factors To Consider

Business Needs: Sigma Solve helps you identify your fundamental requirements, such as data storage, type of applications, computing capability, and data analytics. 


Technical Expertise: We help you evaluate your team’s core compatibility with the complexities of cloud platforms. 


Existing Infrastructure: Sigma Solve helps you evaluate dependencies on an existing system and the need to integrate right cloud services.


Budgetary Constraints: Our cloud experts help you select the best model per your requirements and pricing, such as the pay-as-you-go option. 


Security and Compliance: A cloud platform should adhere to regulations while providing robust security with encryption and authentication. 


Scalability and Flexibility: Our cloud consulting services help you select a platform that can adapt to your changing business needs.


Vendor Lock-In: It is essential to avoid lock-in periods on cloud platforms and to be able to migrate data and applications from one cloud to another. 


Customer Support: Analyzing cloud platforms’ support and maintenance systems is essential to avoiding downtime and ensuring peak performance. 


Region Availability: For regulatory and latency reasons, it is essential to consider a cloud platform with a localized data center. 


Public vs. Private vs. Hybrid Cloud:

Hire cloud experts from Sigma Solve to understand different cloud deployment models and select one that meets your needs.

Why do enterprises choose AWS?

Businesses often look for new ways to reduce costs, and cloud computing is a great way to save money. There is an ongoing war between Google Cloud and AWS over several parameters. It is a known fact that Google Cloud provides more affordable rates than its leading competitors. 


Though there are several advantages to choosing Google Cloud, eCommerce giant Amazon was the pioneer of cloud services. It offers scalable and flexible cloud computing services to organizations. Amazon Web Services is the most mature enterprise-ready service provider, offering the best capabilities to direct a large number of resources for various applications.

AWS offers flexibility

AWS has a dominant market position as it provides greater flexibility. It offers numerous data centers all over the world and adds new data centers at a faster rate than Google. It beats the Google Cloud platform.

Immediate Procurement

Amazon Web Services is considered to be a far better choice for most businesses. AWS can provide provision resources rapidly. Procuring a new server may take around 8-10 days. Organizations that need a server quickly can choose AWS and set up servers in a few minutes only. All you need to do is select the most suitable option and get started. You don’t have to call someone to discuss the requirements and wait for several days or a few weeks to hear back from them! AWS Tools and Elastic Load Balancing can be selected based on your exact business needs.


AWS Cloud solutions provide an option to scale up and innovate while helping you maintain a safe and secure environment. You can pay for the services you use. As it offers an end-to-end approach, it helps to secure your infrastructure. Amazon Web Services offers your business more security at a lower cost than an on-premise environment.

Google Cloud Platform

As a new player in the market with data centers in 20 geographical regions, Google Cloud offers over 50 different services and provides a wide range of features to meet businesses’ diverse needs.

Better pricing plans

Google Cloud offers better pricing plans than its competitors, given its per-second billing plans. Users need to sign up and provide details for eligibility. The major benefit of using the Google Cloud platform is that the user is not bound by the subscription to the pricing plan. If the user can get a better pricing plan, he/she can switch to another one. Google Cloud hosting monthly plans are cheaper compared to those of Amazon Web Services.

Live Migration

“Live Migration’ is a top advantage of the Google Cloud platform. Amazon Web Services does not provide this feature. Live Migration allows users to migrate their machines virtually. It enables the engineers to address issues such as repairing, updating, and patching the hardware and software without worrying about machine reboots.

Improved Performance

Google Cloud machines can handle more than 60,000 users without any hassles. Hence, you will not have to worry about a decrease in load times when you have a high number of visitors to your website. Clients who move to the Google cloud platform experience great advantages.

Free Trials

Both Google Cloud and Amazon Web Services provide 12-month free trials. The AWS free trial offers 750 hours monthly compute on Amazon EC2 Instance, 5GB storage, or Amazon S3. It also provides 750 hours on the Amazon RDS managed database service. Google Cloud offers a $300 credit trial that lasts for 12 months.

Which one is better? – Amazon Web Services or Google Cloud

Google Cloud is more generous than AWS, but each platform has its pros and cons. There is no clear winner. Business owners need to make the right choice depending on their exact business requirements and budget. AWS Cloud Solutions can be selected by large enterprises, especially multinational companies that have a presence at multiple locations across the globe. Google Cloud can be chosen for greater flexibility and speed.


Of course, there is no compulsion to choose either of the two, as you can take advantage of both of them by adopting a multi-cloud strategy. This will help you create the right environment to meet your business needs and pick the most suitable resources from the top cloud providers. Call us at +1 954-397-0800 to learn more about cloud consulting services or to migrate to the cloud platform.

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