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How Much Does Website Development Cost?

  • Backend Development
  • Frontend Development
  • Responsive Web design

When looking for an effective online presence, the first question that may come to your mind is – How much does website development cost?


The answer to this question may not be easy. Web development cost depends on several factors, such as the type of website, the platform it is built on, technologies, features, and others.


A 5-page informational website will undoubtedly cost less than a custom 100-page ecommerce website.


Startups and small companies often look for cost-effective web development solutions. Sigma Solve Inc. has developed thousands of websites for different industry verticals. To this day, we cannot give a generic answer to the above question; we need to consider many factors to determine the cost of website development.

Understanding Website Development Costs

Why do we have different types of residential properties costing quoting different prices? An apartment costs less compared to a mansion because it has fewer features and facilities. Website development and the cost associated with it denote the same.


A static and informative website would cost as much as peanuts, but developing an eCommerce site or a mobility solution can break the bank. The quality of the website is another aspect that determines the cost of website development. Keep reading to learn about the key factors that influence website development costs.


Project Complexity:

Think of a poster vs. a banner. Printing a banner is more complex than a poster. Similarly, if you want a static, informative website, it doesn’t cost much. However, if you are looking for an interactive and dynamic website with eCommerce features and automation, the cost will be much higher. The more complexity, the more expensive it becomes.


Features & Functionality:

The more sugar you add, the sweeter a donat becomes. Similarly, in website development, the more features you add, the more expensive it becomes. If your purpose is only collecting customer info, a simple content form is sufficient. However, if you want an online booking system, payment gateway integration, and more, it will cost more. 


Content Management System (CMS):

How frequently and conveniently you want to update content on your website determines what kind of content management system you require. A custom-built system can cost more than a template-based WordPress. Whether you need an omnichannel or limited presence also determines the cost of the website. 


Design Complexity:

Simple template-based design costs a dime only, while intuitive, interactive, and responsive design with diverse artistic aspects may cost a bank. Complex UI/UX requires custom graphics and animation, which add to the overall cost of website development. A custom website will cost more since it boasts a unique design that attracts visitors. 


Development Team Expertise:

If you hire highly skilled and experienced developers to speed up development, you will have to pay hefty fees for their services. On the other hand, an inexperienced web developer may not charge you more but consume more time. Moreover, an experienced developer will not make more mistakes than a newbie. 


Website Responsiveness:

Businesses that adopt a mobile-first approach may have to spend more on making their websites responsive so that they can maintain design and functionality continuity across devices. Making websites responsive requires a wide range of testing and layout adjustments. Since a mobile-friendly website is a must, it adds to the cost of website development.

What’s the average cost for Website Development?

Custom website development can cost between $5000 and $45,000 or more. We’ve explained several aspects of website development that can help you determine the cost.

UI/UX Design

Investing in a good UI/UX helps you gain maximum customer satisfaction. UI and UX design help build and engage your customers’ confidence. So, no matter what type of website you may have, you should make sure that you hire the best UI/UX designers to create a good impression in the minds of the users. You’ll be able to draw millions of users to your website with a good UI/UX. Though you will have to spend some money on attractive UI/UX, it will help you save time and costs in the long run.


A website design may cost you anywhere from $500 to $3500, depending on the number of pages, design functionality, animation complexity, and more. You can ask the ecommerce development companies to provide you with the breakdown of the estimate for web development.

Front-End Development

Imagine a registration form with four fields: name, website URL, phone number, and email address. Below the form, you will see a red Register button. That’s the frontend.


Ecommerce websites with products showcased on the product pages have the items mentioned on the frontend. It includes different aspects to allow visitors to view and interact with your website. Frontend development includes technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, React, and Angular. Frontend development can cost you anywhere between $800 to $7500.

Backend Development

An example of backend development could be the registration feature on your website. Without the backend, users cannot register on the website. The backend is the heart of every website, and so it would constitute a considerable part of the website development cost.


The significant aspects that determine the cost of backend development are CMS used, integration with third-party services, coding, and others. Backend development may cost you $3000 to $12,000 and more.

Admin Panel Development

A content management system (Admin Panel) helps the website owners manage the features and functionality of the site. It allows users to create, manage, and edit website content. With the right Content management system, you may not need to look for web developers to make the changes to your website. Magento, WordPress, Shopify, Drupal, and Joomla are some of the popular CMSs that help you reduce the development time and cost of building a website.


Custom CMS solutions can help you get out-of-the-box features and build a feature-rich website with the desired functionality. You should spend $3000 to $8000 for custom CMS development.

Other factors that determine the cost of website development:

Apart from the above mentioned factors, there are a few other elements involved in determining the cost of website development. You may need a custom logo, stock images, copywriting, video editing, and digital marketing solutions to to get started with a business website.

Final Cost of Website Development

Website development may cost you anywhere between $1000 and $35,000, depending on the features you need. Outsourcing web development projects to an experienced agency can help you get a feature-rich website. Sigma Solve Inc. can provide you with a fixed cost estimate for the web development project, or you may hire web developers to build your site. Get in touch with us now to know the exact price for website development for your project. We would be happy to provide you with a customized estimate based on your requirements.

Getting the Right Quote: Tips

Determining the exact cost of website development is a complex process as it involves not only the net price of development but also the developer’s experience and knowledge, as well as the time he spends on it. Communication is the key when seeking quotes for website development. 


You must convey to the developer your objectives, target audience, features you need, and design you want. Moreover, the quote must include the maintenance costs. Here are the five tips before you send an email seeking quotes.  

  • Define your project requirements clearly, including desired features and functionality.
  • Provide examples of websites you like and explain why.
  • Set a realistic budget range and timeline for the project.
  • Ask for detailed breakdowns of costs and what’s included in each quote.
  • Request references or examples of similar projects the developer has completed.


The net development price can never determine the cost of the website. Sigma Solve, while delivering more than 450 projects, has understood the importance of focusing on capabilities, customization, and experience. Getting a website developed by Sigma Solve is a long-term investment since we believe in long-term partnerships that involve regular updates, modernization, and end-to-end support. 


Contact us at +1 954-397-0800 to learn more about the intricacies of website development and get a cost-effective quote.

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