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What’s New in Magento 2.3.4? Why Choose Magento for eCommerce Development 2020

  • eCommerce Solutions
  • Magento Development

Magento started new year with a bang with the announcement of Magento 2.3.4 to help merchants build secure and powerful ecommerce websites. A lot of hype has been created among the developers and users as Magento 2.3.4 brings in a lot of new features to deliver an engaging customer experience. As this new version brings in more than 30 security improvements along with powerful inventory management and enhanced GraphQL coverage.

magento web development

Security Improvements

With more than 30 security enhancements, Magento 2.3.4 offers two-factor authentication, use of a unique location, use of a VPN to protect the Admin section from hackers. Users can now create a separate file that includes the layout update and choose it for use. The custom layout text fields are now converted to the selector. The content template features have been redesigned in this new version of Magento to white-list the variables in the templates.

Performance Boost

A major improvement has been made in Page Caching and Session storage. A new configuration setting (General > Reports > General Options) helps online website owners disable Magento Reports. Also, the statistics collection for the Reports module has been disabled by default.

Infrastructure Improvement

Magento 2.3.4 has come with more than 250 quality fixes that would help online merchants enhance the quality of catalog, sales, PayPal, Elasticsearch, and more.

Page Builder and PWA Studio compatibility

There has been a buzz in the industry about Progressive Web Apps (PWA) as it helps the developers build, deploy and maintain Magento-powered PWAs. As PWAs are easy to manage for merchants and user-friendly for the users, you can now create content with Page Builder by rendering in PWA Studio. Number of storefronts can be created using PWA Studio with this update.

Enhanced inventory management

In Magento 2.3.4, inventory management enhancements have been made to address the previous issue that caused higher loads on the database server. Other issues related to credit memos, stock mass actions, and grouped products have also been resolved Magento also updated the Inventory Reservations CLI command so that it helps to reduce the memory usage.


Magento 2.3.4 offers improved graph coverage for cart functionality, search, and layered browsing. It becomes easier for users to make price rendering with improved return pricing method using GraphQL. The issues of discount rates and sales have been resolved. Layered navigation can use custom filters. Now, online buyers can merge their guest carts with customer carts by shifting the guest cart contents into the cart of a customer who’s logged in. Buyers can view the information about applied discounts and promotions into their shopping carts.

Improvements in Dotdigital

Another important feature is live chat powered by Dotdigital that is known for enhancing the conversion rates. The customers can get in touch with the brands with real-time engagement and businesses can remove the barriers for selling and delivering exceptional customer service. Chat admins can manage multiple conversations with online visitors, buyers, and prospects. If a particular product is out of stock, the chat would suggest the different one and recommend the right products based on their previous purchases.


A lot of issues related to analytics, payments and backend have been improved in Magento 2.3.4. With hundreds of issues fixed in Magento 2.3.4, you should definitely think of updating your existing site to this latest version if you already have a Magento website. If you are planning to develop Magento ecommerce website, you should get in touch with our experts to get an idea about how Magento 2.3.4 can help your business reach new heights.

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